April 2021 – What’s New for You in Professional Development

Program Description:
Do you have maps in your collection and want to spread the word? Do you want a better idea of where to refer people when they are looking for maps? What map resources are available in Arizona, neighboring states, and across the country? This presentation provides a high-level overview and goals of the newly updated Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections, an online interactive map-based directory, developed by the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table of the American Library Association.
Presenter Bio:
Christine Kollen is a Librarian at the University of Arizona (UA) Libraries in the Office of Digital Innovation and Stewardship. She has worked for many years on managing and providing reference assistance for geospatial data and map resources. She has led the UA’s efforts in providing GIS and geospatial data services and research data management support for researchers and students. She currently is on the project team for the ALA Map & Geospatial Information Round Table’s Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections. She has presented and written on developing geoportals, providing user-friendly access to geospatial data, and developing research data management services.
Share your expertise and experience. The AzLA Professional Development Committee Monthly Webinar Series is back, and we want you. Submit your webinar proposal here. Submissions will be considered on a monthly basis.
The Professional Development Committee wants to add more voices to our group. If you are ready to help shape the direction of AzLA professional development, contact Patty Jimenez at development@azlahistory.org. We are interested in adding librarians from all types of libraries, from all over Arizona.
Want more professional development? Check out the sources below!
$ = This webinar requires a fee
Children and Young Adults
- Apr 5-May 2: Stories, Songs and Stretches III $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Developmentally-Appropriate and Diverse Books for Storytime $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 8: Teen Mental Health: In Their Own Words $ (ALA)
- Apr 13: Booklist Middle Grade Panel (Booklist)
- Apr 13: Together, Learning More! Interactive Family Learning in CA Libraries (Infopeople)
- Apr 14: Summer Reading Meet-up (Arizona State Library)
- Apr 28: Pages Against Prejudice (Arizona State Library)
Information Literacy & Teaching
- Apr 5-May 2: Addressing Misinformation and Fake News $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 16: Critical Information Literacy $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 6: Homeschooling Help (Booklist)
- Apr 14: Level Up: Tools and Tips for More Engaging Online Learning $ (ALA)
- Apr 28: Reimaging School Partnership Programs during the Pandemic $ (ALA)
Leadership and Staff Development
- Apr 1: Leading from the Middle: Managing Up and Down Simultaneously $ (LibraryWorks)
- Apr 5-May 2: Cultural Competencies for Librarians $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Introduction to Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan Services $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 16: LSSC Elective Competencies: Reference and Information Services $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 16: Everyday Statistics for Librarians $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Mindfulness for Reduced Stress $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 6-May 3: All Work is Team Work $ (Infopeople)
- Apr 7: Secrets to Climbing the Management Ladder (Arizona State Library)
- Apr 7: Making the Most of your Volunteer Program (Infopeople)
- Apr 8: Reverse Strategic Planning: Evaluating a Team’s Workplace Productivity $ (LibraryWorks)
- Apr 14: Using Radical Kindness to Rethink Library Interviews $ (ALA)
- Apr 21: Leading During a Crisis Part 3 (Arizona State Library)
- Apr 27: Fundamentals of Library Program and Service Evaluation $ (MLA)
- Apr 29: Scholarly Communication Off-Roadshow Part 1 $ (ALA)
Library Outreach, Marketing and Advocacy
- Apr 7: Developing Your Storytelling Skills for Library Assessment $ (ALA)
- Apr 21: Arizona Memory Project Partner Workshop (Arizona State Library)
Technology & Tech Services
- Apr 5-May 2: XSLT Fundamentals $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Fundamentals of Digital Curation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Using MarcEdit $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Introduction to RDF $(Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Web Accessibility: Techniques for Design and Testing $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 2: Introduction to Metadata $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 5-May 16: Introduction to Data Management $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 6: Understand and Improve Library Broadband Challenges $ (ALA)
User Services
- Apr 5-May 2: Introduction to Public Service in Special Collections $ (Library Juice Academy)
- Apr 14: The Virtual Reference Interview (Arizona State Library)
- Apr 21: Let’s Get Together: Book Clubs for Neurodivergent Adults (Infopeople)
For a complete listing of webinars, see below:
AZ State Library [for a complete listing]
American Association of School Librarians [for a complete listing]
American Library Association [For a comprehensive listing see ALA’s E-Learning Catalog]
Booklist [Check out the webinar archives for past classes]
EBSCO has hundreds of webinars in their training center to choose from each month.
Infopeople [For a comprehensive listing see all upcoming training | archived webinars | on demand–Niche Academy Classes]
Infopeople offers a variety of webinars and self-paced online courses on topics of high interest for library staff. Webinars are free, and the Arizona State Library has purchased a block of registrations for the online courses. Arizona library staff may register for courses by sending an email to Ann Marie Creegan at acreegan@azlibrary.gov, containing:
- The course name and dates
- Registrant’s name
- Registrant’s email
- Library name
- Library address
- Library phone number
Library Journal: Online Courses | All Webcasts | School Library Journal Webcasts
Library Juice Academy: Online Courses
Arizona library staff may register for courses by sending an email to Ann Marie Creegan at acreegan@azlibrary.gov, containing:
- The course name and dates
- Registrant’s name
- Registrant’s email
- Library name
- Library address
- Library phone number
Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development workshops for librarians and other library staff, focusing on practical topics to build new skills. Workshops are taught asynchronously, so you can participate as your own schedule allows, within a four or six-week period.
Medical Library Association
PCI: The Arizona State Library now has a subscription to PCI Webinars, giving Arizona library staff access to one live webinar a week and to the webinar archives. PCI Webinars offers webinars specifically for library staff. Email Ann Marie Creegan at acreegan@azlibrary.gov to register.
Public Library Association – On Demand Webinars
Archived Webinars by Topic:
- Administration/Leadership
- Adult Services
- Advocacy/Marketing
- Assessment/Evaluation
- Buildings/Facilities
- Collection Development/Readers’ Advisory
- Customer Service/Staff Development
- Literacy
- Technology
- Youth Services
TechSoup for Libraries [check here for updates]
WebJunction: Search Course Catalog Browse all Webinar Recordings
Access to WebJunction’s self-paced online library courses is now available and free to all library staff members. Simply create an account at http://learn.webjunction.org and then explore the catalog of library-focused courses and archived webinars. Certificates of completion will be available to you for any of the courses or archived webinars you complete from the catalog.
YALSA: Registration | Upcoming Live Webinars | Free Competencies Webinars | Webinars-on-Demand
The Arizona State Library has purchased a subscription for Arizona Library staff to access the YALSA member or subscriber only webinars. Email Email Ann Marie Creegan at acreegan@azlibrary.gov for access.